Honouring Mothers

Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and while the retail industry is cashing in on selling more, we can be investing more by paying tribute to Mothers in a much more profound way.

Mothers are a part of our lives in a variety of ways.  Whether you are close to your birth mother, or distanced by time, space, dimension or circumstance – you are still connected.  After all, she gave birth to you and for that alone, you may be grateful.  You are here, you are present, and you have the gift of life.  This Mother’s day, why not honour that gift?

Mothers are represented in a plethora of ways and are all around us.  Our Mother may show up for us as an Auntie, a Grandmother, a dear friend, a single Father, within nature (aka Mother Nature), and most certainly as a Teacher.

Yes, Educators, you do take on the role of Mothering each and every day.  In essence, you are the parent away from home on a daily basis.  You play a part in raising each child who walks through your classroom door as you nurture, apply band-aids to bruises, create structure and routines, set expectations for growth and success, provide unending listening, guidance, and moral support, foster trust and safe spaces, and help to shape youth on a social, emotional, and academic level.  (Sometimes you even make sure your students take a bath, are fed, watch appropriate T.V. shows, or go to sleep on time – the power of distance Mothering!). What teacher has not been mistakenly addressed as “mom” by one of her students in a temporary cloudy memory lapse?

For those of you who have not had children of your own, or perhaps do not share the role of educator, you too may honour and celebrate your Mothering on this day.  For you, at some point and hopefully on many occasions moving forward, have birthed a creation of your own.  You have brought life to an innovative idea, birthed a new book/song/product/relationship, raised and reared a pet, groomed a garden – and did so, with your own set of labour pains, but also out of a true labour of love.  All of these situations of Mothering have contributed beautifully to the tapestry that exists as our world.

So, this coming May 8th, please take time to celebrate and honour Mothers of all kinds.  Without them, we would be limited in the creation, nurturing, and life force that our world is so very much in need of.

Happy Mother’s Day to YOU.

And P.S. to my own Mom – I love you.

How are you honouring Mothers this Sunday?  New Age Teacher would love know.

1 comment

  1. I love you as well hun.

    I have watched you as a toddler, while teaching your dolls to becoming the responsible and respected young lady you are today.
    Somehow you were always beyond your years.
    You even tried “your ” mothering skills out as a little girl when you thought you knew better than I, on how to discipline your younger brother.
    I must say, even though I enjoy all of your blogs, you seem to point out aspects each one of us have as individuals.
    I feel blessed to have you as my daughter and know that others feel blessed to have you in their lives as well.
    I love you and I look forward to your next post.
    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.

    Love you lots, Mom xxxooo

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